Monday, December 1, 2008

FIRST SNOW....By the numbers....

1 ..... number of snows we've had this season
6 ..... number of kids at the Harris house that were DYING to play in the snow at 7:30 a.m.
12 ..... number of ears that needed covered before going out
60 ..... number of fingers wiggling their way into gloves
24 ..... number of socks to keep their feet "toasty warm"
6 ..... number of winter coats that got buttoned, zipped, and velcro-ed
2 ..... number of parents worn out from the "getting ready" process
45 ..... number of minutes to prepare a family of 8 for the snow
8 ..... number of smiling faces ready to have some winter fun
3 ..... number of sleds we dug out of the shed
2 ..... number of little guys who had their "first" snow experience
2 ..... number of snowmen that were built
4 ..... number of snow angels that were made in our yard
1 ..... number of slushy rivers on the side of the road from the snow melting so fast
3 ..... number of little boys playing in said river
2 ..... number of gloves that went MIA during our outing
16 ..... number of rosy red cheeks ready to go in and get warm
30 ..... number of minutes that were enjoyed in the first snow!

1 comment:

Shanda Cheesman said...

Oh my goodness! Adorable post! How sweet to see the kiddos posing in our driveway-made me smile!!