We have moved into my Mom and Dad's house while we are finishing our house! It is absolutely wonderful! I mean, spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa 24/7...what is there to complain about??? They have a beautiful home and we feel 100% comfortable here. Even if we are cramming the 8 of us into 2 bedrooms at night! The rest of their house is very spacious, so there is LOTS of room for the kiddos to run around! They also have a full basement, so that has been a great place to set up the boys' train tracks! I am sure we will be ready to have our OWN house back, but in the meantime, we are definitely NOT suffering!
I am dying to get back to blogging, but for now, here a just a few things that I am thanking God for:
- A Smooth Move.... Albeit TONS of hard work, everyone stayed safe and worked so well together. I had NO idea how much a family of 8 could actually have tucked into every nook and cranny!
- A Non-Eventful House Closing... Everything went as planned. Loan stuff was threatening to get in the way, but in the end, we were able to keep our original closing date! We signed papers on Friday, the 30th. We were in and out of the office in 30 minutes!
- Our Families... Both of our families have really stepped up to the plate and helped out! Dave's Dad let us use his big race car trailer for moving. He came over and helped us take a couple loads down! Dave's Mom helped with hauling boxes too! She is a tough little lady! She also generously babysat the boys ALL day on Friday. That was a HUGE help! My Mom has watched the kids and did a HUGE amount of work... packing up my entire kitchen! My Grandma Betty helped her out with that too! They were a great team! My Dad has played a MAJOR hand in helping with the remodel at the new house. Whether it was demolition (his favorite job) or meeting the plumber at the house, he has stepped right up and helped in more ways than I could have ever imagined! I don't think we could have done ANY of this without him! And of course, the blessing of my parents inviting us into their "once" peaceful abode...what a sweet sacrifice!
- Our Church Family.... We were offered a place to live by at least 3 different families at our church. All for free and most of them furnished! We also had 2 very sweet guys give us their entire Friday to help us move! We were thankful for their muscles! It's funny, because any given Sunday, you can find Dave and I chatting up house stuff with everyone after church. It's nice to have our Christ-loving friends take interest in our little lives!
- Our Health... As of right now, everyone is healthy! Praise the Lord! With a big family, the flu can set us back weeks! We are praying that we can stay healthy and strong so that we can remain mentally and physically active in preparing our house! There are a ton of decisions that need to be made and even more work that needs to be done over the next couple weeks!
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