One of my favorite parts of the conference was the entertainment! We saw Go and in concert! For those of you that don't know, Go Fish is a group of Christian dads that sing (non-annoying) children's music! A lot of their music is based on the Bible. Some of the songs are just fun! But they sound GREAT!!! I encourage you to check this group out if you have young children! My kids absolutely LOVE it! They are already singing along!! This is no "Wiggles" ladies! You are gonna be crankin' this CD up even AFTER you drop off the kids!!!
Go check 'em out now!!!

MORE TO COME........
I had such a good time! Thanks for driving and letting us crash at your hotel!
I'm so glad you had such a great time at the conference! It was a fabulous weekend!
This was an amazing weekend and thanks again for griving and sharing your room with us and even not letting get lost on campus! Hopefully we can have as much fun next year!
Holy COW!! Is that seriously Jill Savage commenting? HOW ON EARTH!? That is so cool!
I had an amazing time too, of course, and wanted to thank you again for reaching out to me. I don't think I will miss ever again if I can help it! :-)
I found you!!! YEAAAAA!
Thanks for driving to dinner! You are the best!! It was so great that you'd do that for all of us!! Thanks! It was a great weekend!
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