Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome Tucker!

Tucker Lee was born on Thursday, April 8th at 6:44 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs 13 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches long. He's got reddish hair and looks like an absolute angel! He definitely resembles his big brothers and sisters and there's no doubt that he fits in just perfect with the rest of our family! My heart is bursting with love for this little guy!

After a rough start, they admitted him to the NICU when he was just 4 hours old. He had severe breathing issues and a pnuemothorax (collapsed lung). He had a LONG 10 day stay in the NICU and made a full recovery! These issues are not something that we should ever have to worry about again! They simply had to do with his transition into the world and now he is a very healthy boy! Praise the Lord!

After MANY people praying for him, we were able to bring him home on Sunday, April 18th! What a WONDERFUL day!

Sunday was also the first day that his brothers and sisters were able to meet him since there are very strict visitor policies at the NICU. They ALL fell in love with him instantly! This is our first night that we were ALL together.

Tucker is 2 weeks old today! He is such a sweet baby and he is about as perfect as they come! He is a great eater and has already gained 10 ounces, weighing in today at 9lbs 7ozs! He smiles ALL the time. I know they are not "on purpose", but the boy constantly has a big grin on his face! He loves to be talked to and is very alert and curious. He usually has 2 times during the day where he will stay awake for about 2 1/2 hours. The kids all love to hold him and sing or read to him. He is a very lucky and loved little brother!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Final Countdown.....

I had my last check-up today with my doctor. He said everything is looking really good for being induced on Thursday! The baby has dropped considerably since I met with him last week. I am also dilated to 3 now! YAY!

This pregnancy has been awesome! Not that I haven't said it already on my blog! But at almost 38 weeks, I still feel amazing! Granted, it's not extremely easy to bend over or walk up the stairs... especially since the baby dropped last week! But I am so thankful that:

*I have been able to eat whatever I want...and MOST of the time, whenever I want it!

*I sleep comfortably at night. I wake up every couple hours to go to the bathroom, but I go right back to sleep!

*I have been able to keep up my energy throughout my pregnancy! I take my power nap in the afternoon and I'm good to go for the rest of the day!

*I don't have any aches or pains! I generally have absolutely no back pain! On a few occasions, if I have been up on my feet and runnin' around ALL day, my back will be a little sore at bedtime.

*I don't have any swelling.

*Besides one (pretty painful) UTI, this pregnancy has went perfectly smooth.


*Dave tells me everyday, all day, that he thinks I am adorable when I am pregnant. He rubs my belly every night. He is already head over heals in love with this baby... as am I! (I thank God for that man every day!) =)

*The kids love to get updates on the baby.... "What's he doin?", "Is he sleepin'?", "Does he have the hiccups?", etc. The girls and my littlest guys love to sit by me and rub on my belly. Even Ashton, being the oldest, has an awesome attitude about being a BIG brother for the 6th time! You would think this would get boring to him, but it doesn't! Bryson, my 5 year old, will say he's got a big hug for the baby and he will hug my belly! They are all so excited and talk about what/who he will look like, etc....

*Dave spoils me rotten! I am the type that usually will "over-do" myself. When he is home, he takes total charge and TRIES to get me to sit and relax as much as possible. Bless his heart... it usually doesn't work, because I am stubborn and like things done "my way"... but in the last couple weeks, it has worked quite a bit more than usual, and I am thankful he is such a sweetheart! He even gives me spontaneous foot rubs every couple nights! I likey!!! =)

*The baby is SOO wiggly! He is constantly moving still.... I have no idea HOW he has the room to move, but he is an active little thing! He pushes off of both hips and my ribs at the same time. He still has the hiccups SEVERAL times a day! And as I said, since he dropped, he is LOW, LOW, LOW... =) He already has his own little personality!

I have to admit, I am so sad to be at the end of this pregnancy. I enjoy being pregnant and feel blessed that God has allowed me to carry these 7 amazing little miracles! I enjoy every minute of the 9+ pregnancy months that I have gotten with each of my children! I know it sounds strange to a lot of women, but it brings tears to my eyes to think of NOT having my BIG baby belly with me everywhere I go and to NOT be able to feel his movements inside of me. So many times, I just sit with both of my hands on my belly and feel him. It brings a smile to my face. BUT the thought of meeting this baby face to face instantly makes me excited and giddy! He is so special to us and so loved (by so many) already! The thought of holding him in my arms and looking at his precious face does make it a little easier to "give up" the baby belly!

Big Mama... 37 1/2 weeks
(Dave said, and I quote, "You DO know that your belly is actually way more massive than it actually looks in that picture, right!?!?" HA!)

Bird's eye view

Anyways, our plan is to get things off and runnin' first thing Thursday morning. Pitocin started and my water broken right away! My longest labor (with pitocin) was 5 hours and my shortest was 2 hours. We are praying that this delivery will be as smooth and uncomplicated as my others were!

Please pray with us for a good labor and delivery and most of all, a healthy baby! =)