After a rough start, they admitted him to the NICU when he was just 4 hours old. He had severe breathing issues and a pnuemothorax (collapsed lung). He had a LONG 10 day stay in the NICU and made a full recovery! These issues are not something that we should ever have to worry about again! They simply had to do with his transition into the world and now he is a very healthy boy! Praise the Lord!

After MANY people praying for him, we were able to bring him home on Sunday, April 18th! What a WONDERFUL day!

Sunday was also the first day that his brothers and sisters were able to meet him since there are very strict visitor policies at the NICU. They ALL fell in love with him instantly! This is our first night that we were ALL together.

Tucker is 2 weeks old today! He is such a sweet baby and he is about as perfect as they come! He is a great eater and has already gained 10 ounces, weighing in today at 9lbs 7ozs! He smiles ALL the time. I know they are not "on purpose", but the boy constantly has a big grin on his face! He loves to be talked to and is very alert and curious. He usually has 2 times during the day where he will stay awake for about 2 1/2 hours. The kids all love to hold him and sing or read to him. He is a very lucky and loved little brother!
He is an absolute doll baby. Love him. So glad that everything is now okay, and it's good to hear that everything should be okay for him from here on out! Your family is absolutely, wonderfully precious.
Love ya friend!
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He is a certain little girls little one. Enjoy him. So glad that things now ok, this is superior to know that all needs to be ok for him from now on!
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