My Sweet little Tucker, how are you already turning 6 weeks old today?! You are such a good baby and we have enjoyed every second of your little life so far! I want to "note" some things about you so I can remember this short but sweet newborn stage!
At 6 weeks:
*You are such a laid-back baby. You go with the flow and are always very relaxed!
*You smile so easily! You love when we talk to you and usually have a big grin across your face as soon as we start! Taelyn ALWAYS gets you to smile! (you "officially" smiled for the first time at 4 1/2 weeks)
*You love to take everything in. You have got bright curious eyes and love to watch all the chaos going on around you!
*You are soooooooo adorable. Between Dave, me, and the kids, I am sure it gets said AT LEAST 100 times a day.
*Noise does not seem to bother you. You seem to actually sleep better with the door open so that you can hear the kids' chatter.
*You are so responsive to my voice. Actually to everyone who comes up and talks to you, but MINE seems to be your favorite! ;)
*You always have your hands up by your face and have ever since you came into this wide world! Both fists... right up under your chin.
*You have monkey toes. They are so cute! The nurses in the NICU used to say that you could climb trees with those toes!
*You LOVE your swaddler blanket!
*You have a love/hate relationship with the binky. If you are really tired, you will take it. Otherwise, you want NOTHING to do with it.
*We just broke out the infant swing, so far you seem to like it!
*You still sleep quite a bit. Usually you will be awake for a couple hours, 2 or 3 times a day.
*You like to have your butt patted hard when we rock you to sleep. (I know I shouldn't rock you, and I say every time that I am pregnant that I am NOT going to rock my baby, but I do. It's so hard to resist)
*You have always slept good at night. Generally you eat around 9:30 p.m. and then wake up and eat again around 3. You eat and poop a few times and then go right back to sleep until 7:00 a.m. Neither Daddy or I feel sleep deprived yet! =)
*Most of your meals consists of breast milk from a bottle. You favor the bottle over breast, which is fine. I pump around the clock and we make it work! The times that you have had to have formula, you are NOT impressed and tend to eat only half as much.
*You drink about 5 ounces every 3-4 hours. Sometimes you take as much as 6 1/2 ounces.
*You generally don't spit up. You've probably only spit up about a handful of times.
*Daddy and I enjoy watching our King Of Queen dvds every night when we are feeding/pumping.
*You poop A LOT and you poop LOUD! Usually it's as soon as we put a clean diaper on.
*You weighed 12lbs 13oz and measured 23 1/2 inches long at your appointment today.
*You've grown out of some of your 0-3 months clothes. I've just started pulling out and washing your 3-6 months clothes.
*You are loved by EVERY member of this family and we love to spoil you every day, all day. Thank you so much for being such a sweet little you!
Here are just a few of my favorite snapshots from the past couple weeks....
Oh my goodness, I have so much to comment on! ;)
1) My girls LOVED to have their butt patted hard, too! It used to crack us up, but it would comfort them so much if we did that. So...we did!
2) With the girls, they would nurse around the clock if I let them (NOT fun). So I took to pumping. I found I got more, which was good for them! Anyway, my point is that I've been in your shoes before with the attachment to the pump. Not fun at times, but SO worth it for mom, baby, and budget! :)
3) I swear we shop at the same stores. Tuck, Nolan, and Nevin all have on clothes that are in our closets! :)
4) Your kids are so blessed to have you and Dave. :)
Kac, He is so sweet, and I love all the family pictures! He's already passed Lola--she was only 11 8 at the doc on Tues! :)
Tucker was born on what would have been my father's 78th birthday. He passed in 1996. But our daughter in law's b-day is April 9th. This year she had our 7th grandchild on April 7th. We wanted him to come on the 8th or the 9th, but it seems little Owen has a mind of his own.
Tucker is adorable, as are all your children. Congratulations on the newest little bundle of joy!
Wow! so good.
Please look at my site now
What a big happy family...
Im really hoping that my family will be happy like this in future...
beware of Ashton. LOL
I'm so jealous with you. All your kids are sooooo adorable. You got 2 pairs of twins some more! God bless you!
Aww so cute!
+followed by
Oh he is such a cute baby!
Nice blog and beautiful pictures,
Cut baby and happy family, I like it.
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I came to leave a message of hope and love, when you think nobody loves you or if someone has forgotten you. Jesus Christ, he never forgets and is ready to help you in difficult times of his life. It takes courage to change the attitude of life, as the first step to change our situation either, esperitual, financial or family is when we recognize that we need change. Jesus Christ loves you and wants to change its history.
A hug,
Thiago Corban
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